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Carnival Lucerne

The Lucerne Carnival is the biggest annual event in the city of Lucerne and central Switzerland. Alongside the Basler Fasnacht, the Rabadan and the Bärner Fasnacht, it is one of the largest carnival events in Switzerland. Lucerne Carnival is for many Lucerne residents the highlight of the year, which begins on Dirty Thursday and ends on Ash Wednesday. At five o’clock in the morning, the city centre seems to be shaking on Dirty Thursday, when the more than 50 Guuggenmusigans, from all sides in the old town “close” to the morning.

Fasnachtsdaten 2024

8 February 2024, Dirty Thursday
Big bang / Fritschi-day watch, 5 o’clock
Carnival procession, 2 p. m.

10 February 2024, Rüüdig Samschtig
Various events in the city centre, 12 to 11 p. m.

11 February 2024, Carnival Sunday
Carnival in the district Littau

12 February 2024, Holy Monday
Wey day watch, 6 o’clock
Carnival procession, 2 p. m.

13 February 2024, Holy Tuesday
Chendermonscht, 2. 30 p. m.
Monster-Corso, 7. 30 p. m.

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